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Biaya sekolah

As a non-profit school, 100% of school fees go towards developing our students and their learning experience.

Download a Full PDF School Fees

We are committed to providing a world-class education that prepares students to be the best for the world.

Our tuition and fees are structured to support this mission, of being best for the world while ensuring access to exceptional faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive programs that foster academic excellence and personal growth.

We invite you to discover the value of a JIS education.

Mendukung Kesuksesan Siswa

Jalur pembelajaran kami yang dipersonalisasi memungkinkan siswa didukung, ditantang, dan berhasil. 

Kampus dengan Fasilitas Modern

The most spacious and state of the art campuses in Jakarta.

Pengakuan Di Seluruh Dunia

JIS diakui secara global sebagai lembaga pendidikan terkemuka dengan prestasi siswa yang sukses. 

School Fees 2024-2025

Valid until June 30, 2025 | All fees are in Rupiah

Pembagi Logo Desain Ulang 2022


Download Full PDF School Fees 2024-2025

If you would like the full details of the School Fees 2024-2025 in PDF format, submit your request here.


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We can't wait to meet you and your family